VGMP: Unlike Sonic he don't chuckle
Knuckles comes to streaming with Idris Elba reprising his voiceover of the titular character.
Now a comedy, where Knuckles has six half-hour episodes to train deputy-sheriff Wade Whipple into becoming a warrior. There is much to love in this series, as well as a few things to hate. However the series does bring in some interesting Easter Eggs for a keen audience.
Most of these are front-loaded in the series, and thankfully it avoids just being an Easter Egg series (avoiding the traps of Sega Hard Girls) even if the main story arc fails to deliver. Sadly Episodes 5 and 6 include literally no
Easter Eggs to the games - which is a shame but is hardly surprising considering the worst written episodes also include the least Easter Eggs.
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The Intro Titles appear at the very end of Episode 1 and recur at the start of the following 5 episodes. The visuals are always the same, but the credits vary from episode to episode. Some of the more generic visuals include some mushrooms (nodding to Mushroom Hill zone and the mushroom universe from the movies), Knuckles doing a spin attack and Knuckles using his climbing ability.
The intro credits also showcase the Floating Island and Master Emerald, neither of which make an appearance in the series. It's a wonderful Easter Egg to Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
When Wade's animated character is falling, we see a Flicky fly past him. Flicky has been a character longer than Sonic the Hedgehog, starring in his own game way back in 1984. He was added as an animal to be saved in Sonic the Hedgehog on the Mega Drive, and has since become a series staple. Sonic 3D Flickies' Island (aka Sonic 3D Blast in America) features Flickies heavily in a Sonic title, as well as a type of Flicky powering E-102 Gamma in Sonic Adventure.
One of the interesting nods in the Title Sequence was a nod to the Sonic the Hedgehog Band - a little known and deleted element of the very first Sonic game. Sonic Team were going to include a Sound Test screen where the band plays the music - and yes, that crocodile is
Vector. He would make his debut appearance in Knuckles Chaotix. This was a very niche Easter Egg.
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At the start of Episode 1, Knuckles runs past a self-made signpost to complete his warrior challenge. It spins like the classic games, and we get a cool homage to Knuckles' signpost artwork.
In the Attic where Sonic, Tails and Knuckles live, we can see two small statues of Cool Spot. Cool Spot was the early-90s USA mascot for pop drink 7Up (in the UK he was not the mascot). There were games made by Virgin Interactive for the Sega Mega Drive, Master System and Super Nintendo (among others) which were very popular, giving Cool Spot an international appeal where most American-only mascots do not.
While these may be hold-overs from the feature films, each of the Sonic characters' beds is a reference to other media in the Sonic franchise. Sonic's bed is a red car, which is usually how Sonic's bed is represented in the long-running Archie comics series.
Tails' bed is a blue plane, representing the Tornado-2 plane from the first Sonic Adventure.
Knuckles' bed is a red and yellow truck, which is a reference to his monster truck from Sonic Boom.
In the first episode, when Knuckles attacks the builders, he uses his Drill Claw move from Sonic Adventure 2.
This might be a bit of a stretch, as there aren't any other references in the bowling alley, but this wall art seems to resemble Hill Top Zone in design and palette, however it could also be a generic art of an American woodland. Take this with a pinch of salt, but it definitely reminded me of the Sonic 2 zone.
When Sonic is showing off music to Knuckles, there is a stack of magazines in front of the DJ Decks. One of which is labelled 16-Bit Cartridge in the same font as the Mega Drive artworks.
Sonic tries to show Knuckles that he can do TikTok videos to pass away the time while grounded. He dances to a Japanese cutesy dance track, swaying his fingers from side-to-side. This mimics the Sonic & Friends TikTok-exclusive series, which includes both micro-episodes (approx 40 seconds each) with dance videos of the cutesy styled characters. The series is for very small children, but it's cool to see it represented here.
The co-ordinates for Knuckles leaving Green Hill are quite accurate to several elements of the Sonic film universe. Mapping the co-ordinates to the real world showcases Interstate 90, which is referenced in Sonic's Attic bedroom as a road sign (see right of image). It's also a place called Nimrod, which also doubles as an old 80's insult - probably calling me a Nimrod for having bothered to check.
These two are hidden in the very background of the first bowling alley, however they are given pride of place in the second bowling alley during the first fight with the GUN henchmen. These are (presumably mockups of) original Golden Axe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade machines. I assume they're fakes because one of the henchmen smashes through them during the fight. If you're wondering why TMNT is here (and later in Wade's bedroom) it's because Paramount own the movie and streaming rights to that series too.
Opening up Episode 2, we see this episode largely takes place at IceCap. I really liked the inclusion of this, though the location itself is otherwise completely devoid of Easter Eggs.
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Episode 2 includes two very specific movie references. Harry Potter (the sequence really plays like Harry riding a broom) and ET's silhouette against the moon (also used for Amblin Entertainment's company logo). These are cool, but come off as cheaper references since they have nothing to do with gaming.
Now we're into some hardcore deep diving, but it's also completely inaccurate. In Wade's Room, there are a few shots of Wade's old DVD collection. On one of the lowest shelves we can see two games - Golden Axe on the Mega Drive and Double Dragon on the Master System. The weirdest part of these is that the Master System barely sold in America, and the copy of Golden Axe appears to be a European copy due to the shape of the logo on the spine.
Almost impossible to spot are more games on a lower shelf than Golden Axe and Double Dragon (SMS). These are, again, the European cover arts for these titles. I have identified most of them, but have fallen short on the one between Virtua Fighter 2 (using the European-only blue Mega Drive boxart quite distinctly) and the European-specific black/yellow boxart for James Pond at the Aquatic Games.
By the looks of the spine I'm fairly certain it's a Virgin Interactive box (red square logo at the top of the spine) but I was unable to say for certain. If anyone can find a 4K copy of Episode 3, it might help to identify it.
I think this is a consequence of the series shooting largely in the UK. When they went scouting for copies of classic Sega games they could only find PAL copies close to the studio, and I can only assume the set dresser didn't care enough to make sure Wade had American copies of the game. These wouldn't actually play on any American Genesis console.
Inside the Stretch-Hummer in episode 4, we can see Wade's rival, Susie, playing on the iconic Nintendo console.
Episode 4 is the final episode to include any Easter Eggs, but it definitely throws them at you thick and fast during the mid-section of the episode. Here we can see Wade dressed as Knuckles, running through Angel Island zone and collecting rings.
Continuing the sequence, we see Wade is assisted in completing a loop by the wire-work, and we see a starpost. I'm fairly certain this loop de loop (as well as the signpost) are from Sonic 2's Emerald Hill Zone, but the background is still Angel Island Zone, so perhaps it's from that zone instead.
Knuckles breaks open a TV with 10 Rings inside. A cool Easter Egg.
Wade (as Knuckles) has to complete a very small section of a Sonic 2 special stage, complete with bombs and rings and a drop-down START logo. This was really cool, and a fantastic addition.
Sadly inaccurate in colours, it was still cool to see this classic badnik represented in the live action series. Sadly, because of the real-life nature of Jim Carrey's Robotnik, we've not had any inventive looking enemies of this type appear in the movies or this series properly. At least they get a shout-out here,
For some reason the infamous Sonic 06 game gets a reference, with Iblis being portrayed as the main villain to Knuckles' backstory. A cool addition, but a bit weird they didn't go with Chaos. Maybe fire effects were easier to achieve than water effects for this sequence?
That's everything I could find in Knuckles' 2024 Paramount+ series!
We hope you've enjoyed this group of Easter Eggs, and please join our Discord to let us know if there's anything we missed!