Wages of Film is hosted by three established directors, all with a vastly different knowledge of cinema to one another. We are hoping that this podcast will stand out online by discussing must-see film from all international and generations of cinema.
Steve McCartney
The most knowledgeable Director on film, with a vast film collection and passion for the artsy classics. He's long been a director for stage, and within the last decade has directed several local film projects. He can be found on his Youtube channel giving breakdowns of a wide range of films from the Criterion Collection. If you want to learn about creative, impressive and artistic international films then Steve is worth the price of admission alone.
Rory Joscelyne
The writer and director for Cyberpunk Studios, having been award nominated for the 2019 short film Human Cargo. He also penned the Raindance competition winner of 2021 - Turning Tide. Rory's film knowledge is wide but erratic, with a particular knowledge in the cyberpunk genre thanks to the CinemaPunk film analysis series he runs on our Youtube channel.
Jamie Evans
The writer and director for Impala Films, with his first feature film Candy Hart in post production and an upcoming radio horror-thriller series Haunted. He follows pop culture movies more than the other two, but has a particular genre bias for horror and all things Resident Evil. He is also a fan of anime in general, a genre that Rory and Steve know less about.
While the show itself may go through some format changes as we find our footing, usually we will make each episode about a topic and raise three important films each around that topic - as well as a Wild Card extra film that spins the topic on its head and opens us up for further debate.